Current Rigs

Radio-kits Hunter-SDR
This kit really got me back into radio. This SDR provides coverage from about 1MHz up to about 30MHz.

A complete VHF/UHF SDR receiver in a USB dongle, this covers from about 50MHz upto about 1.5-2GHz (was used for an APRS iGate with an eeePC)

Yaesu FTdx-3000
My main HF/6m base station.

Yaesu FTM-400XDE
A dual band transceiver with APRS and C4FM support (on the air for APRS as M0RNW-9)

Yaesu FTM100-DE
A dual band transceiver with APRS and C4FM support

Yaesu FT-70DE
Dual band HT with FM and C4FM support.

Yaseu FT-817nd
What can I say? the de-facto standard portable QRP shack-in-a-box.

Baofeng UV-5R
A dual-band HT from China, purchased from Sinotel UK. It pushes out 4W on the 2m and 70cm bands.

Softrock Ensemble RXTX
Built for 40m-30m-20m, this kit was obtained from KB9YIG. His web shop is at

Tesla RF-10
This is a cold war era FM portable Czech military radio that covers the 6m band

Built from a kit, this is a QRP HF SDR rig.

Ascom SE550
A 4m FM rig I use occasionally with a delta loop.

Yaesu FT-70D
A dual band FM/C4FM HT. It just works.

Alinco DX-70TH
A HF+6m rig for portable operation